게임/이것저것 공략

[Mayday Memory] Choice & Investigation Walkthrough

세르베스 2020. 4. 22. 16:04

(한국어 공략은 여기로)

Choices with better reward were marked with ▶, with the resulting increase in the affection on the right.

The content of the diary can be checked by pressing "더보기" underneath.
(Currently unable to change the wording. Apologies.)

The answers/hints to the investigation is also available by pressing on "더보기" underneath.


The choices spends energy for the first time only. Energy will not be required when repeating the choice.

The affection increase is for the first time only.

Repeating the same choice again will not give you additional affection.

EP. 00 My Name Is Dell!

▷Of course he is.

▷You're totally better looking than him.


▶Talk to him. Ain+5

▷Leave him alone. Ain+3


Dairy: 「001 Neo Hippies」


▶Stand up for Ain. ←Ain+7

▷Tell them there's another way. ←Ain+5

EP. 01 My Name Is Dell?

▶Take Ain from them. ←Ain+7

▷I give up. ←Ain+3


▶Make a heart shape with my fingers. ←Syd+5

▷Make a heart with my arms.


▶Get your life together. ←All +5

EP. 02 The Dream Of Every Office Worker...

Dairy: 「002 Voice」


▷Give it a try.

▷No way.


Dairy: 「003 The Broken Watch」


▶Go to Ain's house. ← Ain+10

▷I'm not going. ← [BAD ENDING: I Ran So Far Away]


▷You lied to me?! ←Ain+3

▶Why did you lie to me? ←Ain+5

EP. 03 Seeing Your Face For The First Time

▷Annoying. ←Ain+3

▶Handsome. ←Ain+7


▷Leave Ain's house. ←Ain+3

▶I can't leave yet. ←Ain+10


▶Try to go find him. ←Hansol+7

▷Wait for him.

EP. 04 Excessive Drinking During Weekdays Prohibited

▶Say something ←Hansol+3

▷Leave him be.


▶Tell the truth. ←Hansol+3

▷Tell a white lie.


System: The Orange Blocker can stall the security program. Would you like to purchase?

▷Watch an Ad to borrow



▷『A Brief Study on Childhood Memories and Evil』

▷『Private Memories with 3 Seductive Men』

▶『The Past and Present of Memory Technologies』 ←All+3


Dairy: 「004 Blackout」


Investigation: [Alert] Find all clues before the time is up!

EP. 05 Dealing With Avoidant People

Diary: 「005 Memory Market」


▷Trick the guards.

▷Distract the lasers.


▶Explain the information. ←All+5


▷Provoke him.

▶Convince him. ←Hansol+3

<Night> episode available.


Punch him once. ←Ain+30

Call for Elaine.


▷Does it look like that? ←Syd+20

▶That's not true. (Diamond 1300) ←Syd+45



EP. 06 The Rescue Pitcher Appears!

▶Left ←Syd+7

▶Right ←Hansol+5


Dell: Why's it getting more expensive??!!

▷Watch an Ad to Borrow

▷Purchase (1000 diamond)

EP. 07 Because You Are Too Beautiful

▶Don't disclose the leak. ←Syd+5

▶Tell her the truth. ←Hansol+3


▷Play dumb. ←Ain+5

▶Tell the truth. ←Ain+10

EP. 08 Where The Sun Never Rises

※The following choices are the answers to the time attack question. Know what to choose before proceeding.

▷Left. ←[Bad Ending: Dead!]

▷Right. ←[Bad Ending: Dead!]

▶Back. ←All+10


▶She's not human ←Syd+5

▶She is human ←Syd+5


Diary: 「006 Temple Riddle」

EP. 09 Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

System: You can get information about mysterious people with [Orange Magazine]! Would you like to purchase it?

▷Watch an Ad to Borrow

▷Purchase (1500 diamonds)


Diary: 「007 [Special: Who is R?]」


Diary: 「008 Temple Annex Painting」

EP. 10 Closed Mind, Open Gate

▶Don't say ←Syd+3

▶Tell the truth ←Ain+5


▶About Syd ←Syd+10

▶About the temple ←Hansol+3


▶Tell the truth. ←Syd+5

▷Don't answer.


▶R's real name ←Hansol+5

▶R's intentions ←Ain+5


▶The answer to the riddle. ←All+3

EP. 11 Mr. Nobody

▷Ain's home ←Ain+3

▷Babel Fair ←Syd+3

▶The Baobab Pills demonstration ←All+3


Diary 「009 The Truth of Temple <Rok>」


▶Ignore her. ←Syd+5

▶Make an excuse. ←Ain+5

EP. 12 Syd And His Bad Friend

▶I want to say last good bye to him ←Syd+10

▷Can I go with him? ←Syd+5


▷Getting a memory implanted.

▶Getting your memory taken. ←Syd+5


▶Stop him. ←Syd+5

▷Let him go. ←Syd+3


▶Threaten Roma. ←All+10

▷Run. ←[Bad Ending: Creep]

EP. 13 Quick Quiz Queen!

▶Okay, go ahead. ←Ain+5

▷No, it's none of your business. ←Ain+3


▶The video inside their heads ←All+5

▷Anger Management Problems


▷They're all from the same background

▶They went through a similar experience ←All+5


▷They all went through brain surgery. ←All+3

▶They all have altered their memories. ←All+5


▶He planted something inside their heads? ←All+10


Diary 「010 The Unanswered Quiz」


▶Team up with Ain. ←Ain+10

▶Help Hansol. ←Hansol+5

EP. 14 What Are You Afraid Of?

▶Yes. ←Hansol+3

▶I'm not sure. ←Hansol+3

▷No. ←[Bad Ending: Love Will Tear Us Apart]


▷You're not a burden. ←Ain+5

▶Then just be a burden. ←Ain+10





▶Call Ain. ←Ain+15


Investigation: [Alert] Find all clues before the time is up!


Memory Storage - Ain 「Two Branches of Destiny」

EP. 15 Ain, Prince of Crybabies

Diary 「011 The Curious Brothers」



▶Evergreen ←All+10



▷The temple

▶The demonstration ←All+10


▶Use the key ←All+15


About his feelings (900 Diamonds)

▷About his health ←Ain+10


▶That I trust him ←Ain+20

▷That I trust his hunch ←Ain+15


Investigation: [Alert] Find all clues before the time is up!


Memory Storage - Syd 「Where Does Luck Go」

EP. 16 You know Nothing At All

Diary 「012 Syd, Lukas, Syd」


▶Temple annex ←all+10

▷Ain's house


▷Was a memory researcher

▶Got a memory transplant ←all+10


▶Tell him (1500 diamonds) ←Hansol+40

▷Don't tell him.


▷Say it so I can understand. ←Hansol+5

▶Then quit. ←Hansol+7

EP. 17 Speed! Control! Street Fight!

※This one is time attack question.

▷→ [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▷↓ [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▶← all+10


※This one is time attack question.

▶↓ all+10

▷↑ [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▷← [Bad Ending: Dead!]


※This one is time attack question.

▷← [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▷↓ [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▶↑ all+10

EP. 18 Primadonna


▷Not guilty

▷I don't know



▷Not guilty ←[Bad Ending: Burn The Witch]


▶is the owner of the Memory Market? ←all+10


▶Make my own decisions. (2100 diamonds) ←Hansol+33

▶Already knew that ←Hansol+5

EP. 19 Fair Game

▷It's Syd. ←Syd+5

▶It's me. (diamond 950) ←Syd+22


※There are time limits for the following choice.

▷10 o'clock - 15m ←all+1 [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▷18 o'clock - 12m ←all+2 [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▶10 o'clock - 12m ←all+10


※There are time limits for the following choice.

▷12-10-2 ←all+2 [Bad Ending: Dead!]

▶2-12-10 ←all+10

▷2-10-12 ←all+1 [Bad Ending: Dead!]


System: You can buy oranges to escape the danger! Would you like to purchase?

▷Watch an Ad to borrow

▷Purchase (2000 diamonds)


▶Isn't it obvious? ←Syd+10

▶I wan't. ←Hansol+10

EP. 20 Let's Ignore And Delete Spam Mails

▷The important one

▷The less important one


▶Had their memories changed. ←all+10

▷Had committed crimes before.




▶Tate ←all+10

<Night> Episode



It wasn't normal.

▶It was normal (950 diamonds) ←Syd+55
